I’m all yours for 1 day – are you ready?

If your message doesn’t engage, entertain or educate then you didn’t mind the gap!

I grew up in London and took the tubes everywhere. I remember when the Labour government painted letters on the platform, “Mind The Gap”. Lots of people had stumbled or gotten stuck in the space between the train and the platform. So the government alerted us, in the most British way, to “Mind The Gap”.

I only mention this, because I mind the gap really well, especially when it comes to your brand.

Many of us spend way too much money developing and researching our message only to have it fall between the cracks in a digital marketplace.

Pity that.

But I know where the gaps are, I know the common pitfalls and I’m all too familiar with that wooly place between intention and execution that is the death-knell of most good ideas.

The really good news is we can start first thing in the morning and I’ll have you all sorted in time by tea.

That’s right. Me. Steve Sims. One day.

Here’s my offer:

  • I come to see you and your team. Battle ready.
  • I critique your message. The good, the bad and the ugly.
  • I identify your brand avatar.
  • I unearth better marketing outlets specific to your brand
  • I build from scratch if necessary, or…
  • I add significant value to your existing one
  • We focus on implementation

I determine:

  • Are you a solution or a desire?
  • How long it takes for people to find you
  • What media works – what media doesn’t
  • Whether you are using analytics to their best advantage
  • Where the people most in need of your product or service are hanging out.
  • What your conversation should look like.
  • When your message is most apt to be not just be heard, but acted upon.

More importantly after this day I’m going to tell you who you are, where you are, and then build a rock solid plan to get over the gap and get going.

Investment for a day starts at $15,000 plus expenses

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