If you’ve ever read my book, Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen, you know that I’m a firm believer in being so direct that I’m impossible to misunderstand.
That’s what made the latest episode of The Art of Making Things Happen so fascinating.
We spoke to Brian Galke, an expert at the subtle skill of reading people’s facial expressions, what they mean, and how they can serve you in your personal and professional life.
Brian looks at the art of conversation from a completely different paradigm.
If you’ve ever wanted to know exactly how to get your point across without being misunderstood, you won’t want to miss what Brian had to say.
Brian talks about how face reading has proven to have many benefits in his own life. For instance, as an introvert, he used face reading to get out of his own head.
It helped him to understand people better long before he uttered the first word in a conversation. That helped give him more confidence when communicating with people. It also helped him become more present in his conversations.
Face reading also helped him become more successful in his job. After learning how to face read, he moved from working at the help desk to regional vice president of sales.
Beyond that, it helped improve his personal relationships, which dramatically changed his life.
If you’re looking to use this skill in conversations, you can use several areas of the face to help you communicate better.
The three areas that Brian discusses in the podcast are the eyebrows, eyelids, and upper lip.
The shape of your eyebrows can give away hints about your nature. For instance, people with rounded eyebrows tend to think of others before themselves. On the opposite spectrum, people with straight eyebrows like getting to the point and not wasting time.
Like your eyebrows, the amount of eyelid you show can provide clues to your general nature. For example, if you have a very thin eyelid showing, you most likely like to work alone and do things their own way. Meanwhile, people who show more eyelids tend to think about others and prefer to work in a group.
Your upper lip can help people determine how open you are with strangers about your personal life. For example, someone with a straight upper lip tends to be more secretive until they feel more comfortable. On the other hand, someone with fuller lips tends to be more open about sharing things with new people.
Brian uses the acronym F.A.C.E. to help others learn how to apply the concepts of reading faces. Here is what the acronym means:
Using this acronym, you can go over someone’s features and determine what communication style will work best for them to understand you. When people feel understood, they feel validated, and it helps to build rapport.
Can you see how understanding how to read someone’s face could provide huge benefits in your personal and professional life?
If you’d like to learn more about face reading and how it could help you, your employees, or your whole company, you can head on over to subtle skills to learn more.
Brian offers individual face readings, face readings with a conversation afterward, face reading training, corporate events, and keynote speeches. There is truly something for everyone.
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