We all have dreams that seem “impossible”. Things that, in our wildest imaginations, we don’t believe could ever happen but we still cling to with hope. Steve Sims is the guy that can make those things happen. He gets it done. He makes dreams come true. Steve is the founder of Bluefish, an exclusive luxury concierge service providing clients with once-in-a-lifetime experiences ranging from performing on stage with their favorite band to going to see the Titanic. Steve speaks with great passion about the work that he does and how – over the course of 28 years – he has become the go-to guy for elite clients who want to live life to the fullest.
Steve Sims is a “no BS” kind of guy. He refuses to work with clients he doesn’t like. In fact, Steve has what he calls “the chug test” that helps him determine if this client is someone Bluefish should take on. He shares why this approach helps him stay authentic and maintain a level of satisfaction with the work that he does. Steve’s goal is to make dreams come true, but only if the client meets their standards. He’s not in it for the money, he’s in it to love what he does and be proud of the work they do for the client.
One of the most resounding messages of this chat is this: no matter what you do, be true to yourself. Steve shares why this is so important and how it has helped to build the reputation of Bluefish as a company that gets things done and never, ever compromises on quality. He shares why this is the fuel behind everything that he does. Steve discusses some of the seemingly impossible dreams he’s fulfilled for clients and some of the best people he’s worked with along the way. He also shares some of the biggest challenges he’s faced.
Steve delves into his belief that most people minimize their dreams because they’re embarrassed about them. What it comes down to, according to Steve, is that they’re afraid to be their authentic selves. For Steve, the process of helping his clients embrace their dreams and realize they are actually possible is very fulfilling. He discusses what it’s like to watch people as their wildest dreams are fulfilled and how it changes them when it’s all said and done. Steve also shares some price tags on a few of the more lavish excursions he’s arranged.
At the core of the work Steve does is making dreams come true. It’s evident that he is incredibly passionate about helping his clients and focusing on every last detail of whatever they’ve wished for. His goal is to leave them with a feeling of “I can’t believe that just happened”. Steve’s business grows by word of mouth and it’s clear that Bluefish does incredible work. He leaves us with a few final thoughts about the importance of truly embracing your dreams and going after them with everything you’ve got.
To view the interview, you can go to: amplifiedliving.com
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