Meet Steve Sims, the modern-day Wizard of Oz. Steve is the founder and owner of The Bluefish, an international, luxury concierge company that’s known for arranging anything their client’s desire.
Bluefish provides the impossible. We’re talking the highest level of personalized travel, transportation, and cutting-edge entertainment services to corporate executives, celebrities, professional athletes, and other discerning individuals interested in living life to its fullest.
Sure, Blueish service has some limitations. Says Steve, “I won’t work with anyone I don’t get along with, and I won’t arrange something that I don’t agree with. (Heads out of the gutter, kids).
With that in mind, when we say “anything,” we pretty much mean it!
Here are just a few of the experiences Bluefish has arranged:
In this episode of Dropping Bombs, Steve sits down with Brad to talk about being a “connector”–the type of person who can bring network with the best of them–and how to monetize that networking skill.
Here are just a few of the insights they shared:
So, how does Steve Sims open the doors for so many unbelievable moments? “If you’re spending time worrying about how impossible something is, you’ll never get it done. Instead, ask yourself, ‘Why shouldn’t I be throwing the opening pitch at a ball game or taking a selfie with my favorite band?’”
“By asking ‘Why not?’” Steve says, “you’ll be AMAZED at what you can achieve.
Want to learn how to open doors and make things happen to like Steve Sims? Check out his book, Bluefishing: The Art of Making Things Happen. Or head to, where you can find “The Course.” A steal at $297, Steve’s course teaches you how to communicate effectively and ask questions without hearing the word “No.”
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