- Being proactive
The worst thing that you can do when it comes to working with A-Players and giants within your industry is to wait! Waiting is the WORST business strategy that you can implement because you will always be depending on other people. I follow the strategy to become proactive and deliver so much value that the right people come into my life. Being proactive means doing things and executing instead of waiting for better times.
- Coming as a solution for a problem
This is something that I learned from Steve Sims in my podcast interview. Always be a solution for a problem and people will love to work with you. Instead of being selfish and asking for something, offer help and deliver value!!
In my case, for example, I deeply believe that I can increase Jay Abrahams sales when it comes to Abraham University. His problem, maybe he is even not aware of it, is that he doesn’t leverage his own LinkedIn account 100% and I’m pretty sure that he is missing sales when it comes to his LinkedIn account.
I would love to help him and do the following things in order to increase his sales with his LinkedIn account:
- I’d take his YouTube videos.
- I’d create video snippets that are branded with his logo.
- I’d create a social media plan for the next three months and promote in each snippet the Abraham University.
The same is by the way true for his Instagram account! Here, he is missing sales also on his Instagram in my opinion!
So, if you deliver value and present yourself as somebody who is giving a solution for a specific problem or struggle, then you can really leverage the big players within your industry. I really hope that Jay is going to read this because I would love to help him with this issue!
- How Steve and Jay Abraham met – A story of being humble
Being humble is basically what this story taught me! I asked Steve Sims how he met Jay Abraham and basically, it was very late in a bar and they were the last people who were hanging around on the bar. Steve really found out way later who Jay Abraham really was at another big event where Jay was the top speaker. So, always be humble about who you meet and what you can learn from this person! I think we can learn from anybody’s lessons and the things that are important.
- Creating marketing material
Never underestimate the power of marketing material! I had one podcast interview guest and he said that he really doesn’t need marketing material because he is booked out already through referrals. Even at that level, he was very happy when I created video snippets, created mentions in the traditional media and offered a video testimonial for his business! This is really the power of content marketing that leverages all resources that you have in order to scale your own business.
- Becoming an affiliate and selling their products
Affiliate programs are a great way in order to get in touch with industry leaders. It is an authentic way to earn revenue yourself and if you really become good at it, you can also work more closely with them. Firstly, you consume their products, in the second, step you can register for an affiliate program and sell their programs. It would be, for example, 100% authentic when I sell one of Jay Abraham’s products because I executed his advice and also had success with his strategies! If you become an affiliate, you’re like a living example that the strategies are really working and sell it yourself.
- Introducing them to your community and potential new buyers
I had the chance to interview Jason Feifer, Chief Editor of Entrepreneur magazine, and basically what I said to him was:
“50% of my podcast listeners are from the US and they are interested in entrepreneurial topics and starting their own business. So, listening to you would also mean promoting Entrepreneur magazine. Would you be interested in a podcast interview?”
And we made this interview! This is a good illustration that building your own community will help you to leverage your influence and be more interesting for top players within your industry. Because a new community means basically also potential new clients for him. Always have this in mind and leverage this!
- Adding value and sharing insights
I have one client that I really like and from time to time when I read changes within the content space, I share insight, knowledge and tactics that help them to improve their business! It was about creating better videos and tagging time stamps into your videos! Google is using these timestamps from YouTube and showing already WHERE exactly the answer to the question is. I just shared this information through an email and my client loves it! I just want to add value and help them to improve their own business so that we continue to work together! If you do the same, then the right people will come to you and also the leaders within your industry will recognize you. Focus on adding value to your clients and other people and you will succeed.
- Giving back
For a clubhouse meeting, I woke up at 3 a.m. (I live in Germany) in order to listen to Jay’s tactics and strategies! Was it worth it! Absolutely and I would do it again because in one hour he shares so much knowledge and experience with other people in weeks of meetings. He is the best and, in my opinion, it is also important to give back to those people. My way of giving back is through content that I create and share how Jay’s knowledge helped me to grow and increase my own business. The best way to give back is through video testimonials (if you need one Jay please let me know! Your assistance has my email address), blog articles, and video snippets!
You can find more information about Jay Abraham here: https://lnk.bio/TAG
You can find more about Steve Sims here: https://stevedsimssta.wpengine.com/
Do you need more lessons about content marketing? Then visit my website https://www.contentmentoring.com/ and download my free report: 5 steps on how to create a lot of content and earn money with your knowledge!