Simply put I endorse him.

Steve Sims defines what it means to be your authentic self.

There are those that talk a good talk and then there is Steve that lives it.

Calling all Creative Disrupters – a.k.a. Entrepreneurs!
Are you sick and tired of “social media guru” communities full of false promises?
Underground Network of Disrupters
Goes Head to Head With Overpriced
“Guru” Masterminds
Steve D Sims Unleashes a High-Voltage Community That Over-Delivers and Sends Other Masterminds Running for Cover!
What would happen if you had the opportunity to join a real community of real people doing real things to move themselves and their businesses forward?

Do you know anyone that’s worked with Sir Elton John or Elon Musk, sent people down to see the wreck of the Titanic on the sea bed or closed museums in Florence for a private dinner party and then had Andrea Bocelli serenade them while they eat their pasta? You do now!
Quoted as “The Real Life Wizard of Oz” by Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine, Steve Sims is a best selling Author with “BLUEFISHING: The art of making things happen” & “Go For Stupid: The Art of Achieving Ridiculous Goals”, sought-after coach, Top rated speaker after keynoting at a variety of networks, groups and associations as well as the Pentagon and Harvard – twice!

best sellers
What would you achieve if you weren’t afraid of being laughed at? In the age of “gotcha” culture, people are terrified to do anything that might be laughed at. Steve Sims is the exact opposite.
In Go For Stupid: The Art of Achieving Ridiculous Goals, Steve teaches you how to ignore what everyone else thinks and go for big, stupid, ridiculous goals. From organizing a private dinner in front of Michelangelo’s David, to securing a tour of SpaceX led by Elon Musk himself, his accomplishments always start with the same questions: How far can I take this?
What would make this a stupid achievement? Steve examines famously stupid goals in history, the key habits of successful people, and lessons from his own career to help you let go of your fear and get out of your own way. If you do something amazing, you will be ridiculed until you are revered. Stop overthinking and go for ridiculous, stupid goals. Once you “go for stupid,” you open the door to the life you always dreamed about.

best sellers
The Art of Making Things Happen
Whether it’s climbing Everest, launching a business, applying for a dream job, or just finding happiness in everyday life, Steve Sims, founder of the luxury concierge service, Bluefish, reveals simple and effective ways to sharpen your mind, gain a new perspective, and achieve your goals. From helping a client get married in the Vatican, to charming and connecting with business mogul Elon Musk, Bluefish founder Steve Sims is known to make the impossible possible. Now, in his first book, he shares tips, techniques, and principles to break down any door
and step onto whatever glamorous stage awaits you. By following Steve’s succinct yet insightful advice—as well as inspiration gleaned from the moving stories of others—you, too, can transform your life and achieve the impossible.

Simply put I endorse him.

I've worked with Steve for a long time now. I like Steve’s contrarian approach to life and business; he has helped me tremendously over the years.

Steve can make seemingly impossible events and meetings possible. If you can dream it, Steve Sims is the guy who can make it happen.

Steve and his team are passionate about making the impossible, possible… and they deliver! I love their can-do attitude and incredible customer service.

Steve Sims is the most effective relationship manager I have ever seen. He has been a great addition to my life and business.

Steve Sims is the phone number you want on speed dial for when you want the amazing to come true

Sims just does things differently AND it works !
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If you have any questions or professional inquiries please shoot him an email through this form. He would like to hear from you, depending on your inquiry of course.