10 Sure Tips For Getting Into The Press Of all strategies growing businesses are interested in learning, skills for getting yourself and your company into the press is perpetually at the top of the list. To that end, today I’m outlining the basis steps every...
Steve Sims | How to Always Get a Yes For a man who has arguably the most influential and successful connections in the world, Steve Sims’ life didn’t start with a silver spoon. He’s an Irish lad born to an East London construction family with blue collar roots....
Steve Sims – The Original Wizard of Oz at TheBlueFish.com Steve Sims came from the side of the tracks that wanted to live on the other side of the tracks. A third generation construction worker Steve would watch the guys in suits walking to the financial...
We love talking about Success on the ManTalks Podcast. In today’s episode Connor talks with Steve Sims. If you have never heard of Steve he is the founder of Bluefish, a very successful, exclusive luxury concierge service for the elite. His daily life includes helping...
Taking Measured Steps to Bolster Luxury Brands – Harvard By Nancy Brumback BOSTON — Careful and controlled brand extension is the best way for luxury houses to further leverage brand equity, executives from several such companies told their potential successors....
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